Frequently Asked Questions
Marantali are a private developer specialising in masterplanned land communities in and around Melbourne. We have successfully delivered numerous masterplanned projects throughout Victoria. We are personally involved in every facet of each project with the future purchaser at the forefront of our decisions. Our projects are successful because we are able to plan, design and deliver the best outcomes for our residents and the broader community.
Check out our website to learn more about who we are.
How big is Olivia?
Olivia is over 45 hectares in total land area and will comprise an estimated 700 lots. It is anticipated that by completion, Olivia will be home to over 2,000 residents. Olivia offers a wide variety of living choices from small to large lot sizes and a range of house and land packages in Truganina to suit your budget.
Olivia will be built in stages. Each stage will title individually with the first two stages completed in August 2020. The subsequent stages will title periodically until an estimated completion in 2025. Find out more in our construction updates.
A childcare centre, catering for up to 96 children, is proposed for the corner of Greigs Road and Panaia Boulevard at the entrance of Olivia.
Construction is expected to commence in September 2023, with the centre anticipated to open in 2025.
There are numerous existing early learning centres, primary and secondary schools within close vicinity of Olivia. A selection of local educational establishments can be found here.
There are four planned schools within a 5-minute drive of Olivia; they are all to be delivered by others and are, therefore, out of Marantali’s control.A state primary school is planned along Caulonia Drive directly adjacent to Stage 2 in Olivia. Another state primary, a non-government primary and a non-government secondary school are planned to be constructed to the east of Olivia.
Where is the nearest town centre?
The proposed Mt Atkinson Town Centre will be the closest, less than 3km east of Olivia on Hopkins Road and the proposed Grand Boulevard. The town centre is proposed to be anchored by a Westfield shopping centre.
The proposed Rockbank Town Centre will be less than 5km west of Olivia on Leakes Road. The town centre will span approximately 35,000 square metres and consist of an indoor shopping centre and village style high street, comprising specialty shops, supermarkets and cafes.
The existing Caroline Springs Town Centre is just a 10-minute drive away. Watergardens, Werribee and Woodgrove Shopping Centres are all within a close commute of Olivia.
See Local Amenities Sheet for a more comprehensive list of existing local amenities including transport, supermarkets, education, health care and more.
Will there be a local convenience centre?
A local convenience centre is proposed to be co-located with the future state primary school, planned to be located adjacent to Stage 2 in Olivia.
What will be in Olivia’s parks?
Olivia will contain three large open space areas comprising of two feature parks and one large sporting reserve. In total, over 6.5 hectares of Olivia will be dedicated to parks and open space. Our 1.27-hectare feature park was delivered in Stage 3. The interactive and inclusive playground, opened to residents in November 2022, offers traditional play equipment, state-of-the-art interactive technology-based equipment and plenty of open space for the Olivia community to enjoy.
The 4.49-hectare active open space will be vested with the Melton City Council. The types of sporting facilities that could be delivered in this area by the Melton City Council may include a range of infrastructure such as AFL fields, cricket ovals and tennis courts. However, this will be determined at a later date by Council.
The final park to be delivered will be the 0.74-hectare park in Stage 9. It is anticipated that it will include a range of open spaces and play equipment.
Your legal representative will notify you of the proposed settlement date when they are informed by Marantali’s legal representative, HWL Ebsworth Lawyers.
The Olivia team will provide construction updates quarterly and notify you directly (via our website, direct emails and social media) once titles have registered.
It is imperative that you keep your contact details (and those of your legal representative) with us up to date. If your contact details are not up to date, we will not be able to get in touch.
Our standard contract conditions stipulate that settlement must occur within 14 days of registration of the plan of subdivision.
Yes. You may inspect the property at any reasonable time during the 7 days preceding and including settlement day. Please contact us on 0422 871 939 and [email protected] to arrange a time.
Visiting of blocks is strictly prohibited during construction. Upon registration of titles for your stage, you may contact the Estate Manager on [email protected] to request a time to inspect your lot prior to settlement.
Are there special treatments for corner lots?
Yes. The side street elevation must include sufficient detailing which matches and complements the design of the front elevation. A corner ‘feature’ must be included to the portion of the elevation that will be visible and unfenced. A habitable room with a clear view to the side street should be included as part of the corner feature.
Fencing to the side street boundary for corner lots must stop at least 3m behind the front façade and behind the corner feature.
For more details, please refer to the Olivia Design Guidelines.
How do I design a house for an irregular lot?
Not every lot is rectangular. Irregular lots can be a great opportunity to consider home designs and backyard embellishments you might not have previously thought about.
Typically, an irregular lot offers more outdoor space – you could expand your alfresco, put in a pool, a cubby house for the kids, a veggie patch or a cosy fire pit to toast marshmallows over on those wintery nights.
Remember any additional structures will need Council approval and must comply with the Olivia Design Guidelines.
When can I start building?
You can start building after settlement as soon as your house plans have been approved by Olivia’s Design Review Panel and you have the relevant Council and building permits. Construction of your dwelling must be completed within 24 months from the date of settlement. A Certificate of Occupancy must be obtained from the Building Surveyor prior to occupancy.
What should be included in my house plans?
Review the Olivia Design Guidelines and provide them to your architect or builder.
What is the process to getting my house plans approved?
Usually, your builder will manage this process on your behalf. They are required to submit plans and associated documents to the Design Review Panel (DRP) for approval.
How do I submit my house plans?
Plans are to be submitted to the Design Review Panel at: [email protected].
Design Guidelines including the application form and checklists can be found on our website.
Can I submit my house plans prior to settlement and before formally engaging a builder?
Yes, you can submit your plans to the DRP prior to settlement as construction cannot commence until your plans are approved.
The DRP will aim to provide compliance within 14 days, subject to the correct information being provided and the volume of applications being received at the time.
For any other queries relating to the design guidelines and approvals process please contact [email protected].
What happens if my house plans aren’t approved by the Design Review Panel?
If the design is deemed non-compliant, advice on how to achieve compliance will be provided to the applicant or designated representative.
What if I want to change the design after my plans have been approved?
If you change your design, it is important that your new plans are resubmitted and approved by the DRP before you start building.
If your completed dwelling differs from your approved plans, the DRP will issue you with a non-compliance notice. If the non-compliance is not rectified the matter may be subject to further legal action and Council enforcement. We strongly encourage you to ensure your building is constructed as per your approved plans as rectification works may be very costly.
When do I get my street number?
Street numbers will be provided prior to settlement through formal communications from Marantali to your conveyancer.
What are the fencing requirements?
Installation of fencing is the responsibility of the landowner and is essential for security and distinguishing each property boundary. A consistent design approach will increase the presentation of the estate.
Boundary fencing must be constructed from timber palings with capping and exposed posts to a height of 1.8-1.95m, tapering to 1.2m in height along the side boundaries in the front yard (excluding corner boundaries).
For corner lots, fencing to the side street boundary must stop at least 3.0m behind the front façade and behind the corner feature.
Front fencing of any type is not permitted.
Please see the Design Guidelines for complete fencing design requirements.
Will my neighbours pay half of the cost of the fencing? What about corner blocks – how are the fencing costs divided in this case?
You and your neighbour have equal cost responsibility for the shared fence on your lots. You can obtain contact details for adjacent landowners using the Fencing Request Form on the Melton City Council website.
Corner lot owners are solely responsible for the cost of the fence along the road. Shared fencing costs only apply to common boundary fencing.
Are my fencing costs shared if my fence shares a boundary with land owned by Olivia Estate?
Pursuant to your contract of sale, you will have to pay the full cost of any fencing that shares a boundary with land owned by Olivia and costs will not be recoverable.
Do I need temporary fencing to protect my lot prior to building commencing?
Yes. If you haven’t engaged a builder, it is recommended that you organise temporary fencing for your lot to reduce the risk of having material illegally dumped on your property. Removal of any dumped materials is at your own expense.
If you have engaged a builder, your builder will erect temporary fencing to deter unauthorised people entering the building site prior to building works commencing.
Please see the Melton City Council website for more information on building sites.
Olivia will be serviced by NBN Co. Marantali is responsible for installing the pit and pipe network, whilst NBN Co is responsible for installing the fibre connection to your lot boundary.
Ensure your builder is aware your house will be on the NBN. All builders should understand the requirements to ensure fibre can be provided to your home. Olivia will be ‘Fibre To The Premises’ (FTTP) and it is recommended that all dwellings are wired to meet the NBN cabling guidelines.
NBN is a wholesale-only network. There are more than one hundred phone and internet providers selling services over the network. Click here to choose a provider that best suits your needs.
Make sure your new home is NBN ready on NBN Co’s website.
No, Olivia does not contain reticulated recycled water.
Yes, Olivia will have reticulated natural gas with a connection provided to each lot.
Do I need to install a rainwater tank?
Rainwater tanks are not mandatory but are encouraged as specified in the design guidelines for purchasers in Stages 1-12 (inclusive).
In all subsequent stages, dwellings must provide a minimum 2000L rainwater tank for toilet flushing and gardening use.
A rainwater tank that is mandated by other legislation is required to be installed.
Street widths will vary, they are pre-planned by Council to have a hierarchy of roads based on traffic volumes and connectivity within the estate. All streets in Olivia will be in accordance with Council requirements.
There are no traffic lights currently planned within Olivia. The main site frontage is along Greigs Rd with future connections through the adjoining estate to the east. The main site access is an unsignalised intersection allowing access from both directions on Greigs Rd.
The nature strip is the area of public land between your property boundary and the road kerb or shoulder in roads and streets.
Once a dwelling has been occupied, the resident will be responsible for maintaining the nature strip.
You can find more information on the Melton City Council website.
Street tree planting and tidying up of nature strips in Stages 1, 2, and 11 is complete, and commenced in Stages 13 and 14 in May 2023.
In order to minimise damage to nature strips and street trees, installation of landscaping usually commences once most of the homes in a stage have been completed.